Section 1
This organization, the working body of the booster club, shall be known as “The Hoover Sideliners Club”, hereinafter referred to as “The Sideliners”.
Section 1
The purpose of the Sideliners shall be to sponsor and/or support any projects or activities that are deemed by the membership to be in the best interest of the Hoover High School programs.
Section 1
The management of the Sideliners shall be vested in a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, the immediate past president, and six directors; all of whom shall constitute the Board of Directors. The president shall act as chairman of this board. The immediate past president shall serve on the board for one year only. After this year, an additional board member shall be elected, if necessary, to maintain the board of directors at 11 members.
Section 2
Any officer or director of the Sideliners shall be eligible for nomination, election, or reelection to any office.
Section 3
The president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer shall hold office for one year or until their successors are elected and qualified.
Section 4
Directors shall serve for a term of one year or until their successors are elected and qualified.
Section 5
A quorum for a directors meeting shall be six members of the board.
Section 6
The authority of the board of directors shall be to recommend action to the entire membership, except in cases of emergency whereupon they are given power to act in what they deem the best interest of the organization.
Section 1
Annual elections are to be held at the regular May meeting of the Sideliners Club.
Section 2
The president shall appoint a nominating committee consisting of three members at the March meeting. This committee shall present a slate of candidates for each of the offices to be elected. These names shall be submitted at the April meeting at which time additional nominations may be made from the floor. Nominations may also be made from the floor the night of the election. Election shall be for one office at a time by secret ballot.
Section 3
New officers shall assume their duties at the June meeting.
Section 4
If the term of any officer or director is not completed in full due to death, resignation, or any other reason, the board of directors shall appoint a new member to serve the unexpired duration of the term.
Section 1
Active membership shall be anyone showing a bonified interest in the Sideliners Club, 18 years of age or older, who is current on their dues.
Section 2
All persons18 years of age or older residing outside of the North Canton school district may be extended a “Non-Resident” membership as evidence of their interest in the purpose of the club. Non-resident members may vote and also hold office.
Section 3
All members of the Hoover High School coaching staff and program advisors are extended Honorary Membership with no voting privileges.
Section 4
Any person requesting support from the Sideliners is ineligible to vote on that request.
Section 1
Regular meetings will be held on a night suitable to the organization at a time and place designated by the president.
Section 2
Board meetings shall be called at the discretion of the president or by request of a majority of the board of directors.
Section 1
Dues for members shall be a Patron Ad in the football program as long as the program is sponsored by the Sideliners. A sponsor ad will serve in lieu of a patron ad.
Section 2
Membership in the Sideliners shall not entail any compulsory expenditure on the part of any member other than the patron or sponsor ad.
Section 1
The treasurer shall maintain a checking account in the name of the Sideliners with a proper bank in the North Canton area, into which shall be deposited all funds collected and from which all disbursements shall be made.
Section 2
All checks drawn upon the Sideliners account shall be signed by the treasurer or by the president.
Section 3
Any request for more than $1000 shall be made in writing to the board of directors. The request must be approved by the majority of the board of directors prior to being brought before the membership for their vote. Once the board has approved the request, it will be presented to the membership for discussion and their vote. A simple majority of the members present at the meeting is required for approval. All requests of $250 or less may be approved by the president. Any such expenditures of $250 or less will be included in the minutes of the next general meeting of the Sideliners.
Section 4
The treasurer shall give a current financial report at each monthly meeting.
Section 5
Prior to the annual election in May, the financial records of the Sideliners shall be audited and the proper forms pertaining to our non-profit status shall be filed with the State of Ohio and the Internal Revenue Service. The true condition of the financial records as found shall be reported at the annual election meeting.
Section 1
Amendments to the constitution of the Sideliners Club can be made by presenting the amendment, in writing, to the president; who shall thereupon inform the membership at the next regular meeting of the club. At the following meeting, the proposed amendment shall be voted upon and if carried by a two-thirds majority of the members present at the meeting, shall become an integral part of the constitution.
You can support the Sideliners by donating today. Follow the prompts to designate your donation and how you wish it to be recognized in the football program.
The goal of the Sideliners is to support the academic, arts and athletic programs at North Canton Hoover High School.
The Sideliners welcome anyone interested in supporting the students of Hoover High School to attend our monthly meetings which are the first Monday of every month at the Greentown Athletic Club at 7:00 p.m.
We thank you for your continued support and ask that you become an active member of the Sideliners by participating in our meetings. Your help is greatly needed if Hoover High School is to continue to provide the opportunities for students to excel in a variety of academic, arts and athletic activities.